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4D Standards

The realm of live-action 4D (3D + time) encompasses a vast swath of digitization potential, much of which is already being realized today: from simultaneous localization and mapping systems for autonomous robots and self-driving cars to stadium-sized systems for digitizing live sporting events.

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4D Datasets

Epic Games has awarded Digital Air the first phase of a MegaGrant to produce high-resolution 4D human datasets for open-source research and standards development. When I was researching the needs of the research community I reached out to Dr. Michael Black with the idea. Here's what he said:

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4D Workflows

Most of the work that needs to be done to standardize 4D workflows has already been done in proprietary workflows for visual effects and live events. The company that has been around the longest and is perhaps the best example of this is 4DViews...

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CERN's Microsoft Alternatives Project

MALT is an open-source initiative started by CERN in 2019 to replace all of CERN's dependencies on Microsoft with open-source alternatives. MALT is intended to give CERN affordability, security, reliability, and control over its core internal processes not possible with Microsoft products and services.

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